Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> Sean P. DeNigris wrote
>> Object subclass: #MyClass
>>      slots: { #var1 => MySlot adjustment: 10 }
>>      classVariables: {  }
>>      category: ''
>> …
>> but when I open a new browser on the class definition of MyClass, the
>> slots
>> are truncated to:
>> slots: { #var1 => MySlot }
> It turns out that the slot is still "working" e.g. #adjustment is still
> having its effect e.g. 
>     read: anObject
>       ^ (super read: anObject) ifNotNil: [ :val | val + self adjustment ]
> It's just that the class template has lost information.
> Another issue:
> Changing the slots in the template from "{ #var1 => MySlot adjustment: 10
> }"
> to "{ #var1 => MySlot adjustment: 100 }" has no effect unless I accept an
> intermediate "{ #var1 }"
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from:

That's because you need to redefine #= and #definitionString (alternatively:
redefine #printOn:) in your slot class.

Also regarding tool support: there's bug tracker entry

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