Hi Pavel,

I'm looking at PosixSharedMemory again since I have to write a Master
student proposal and I think this could be a good topic. I'm not really
expert on SharedMemory, so I'm going to share what I have in mind, we can
discuss about it, you could also co-supervise the student indirectly
(though officially the supervisor has to be VUB staff).

Implementation-wise, I was thinking what could be interesting are:
- Making PosixSharedMemory compatible with TaskIt so from you image you can
create a SharedMemory buffer, spawn another image+VM and attach it to the
shared memory to have multiple threads working on the shared section.
- Add the #at:if:put: primitive, which write into the shared memory using
compare and swap instruction for efficient thread-safe access.
- Add on SharedMemory all the primitives to read/write native types to the
buffer (int64, double, etc.) with CAS and non CAS instructions.
- Maybe add APIs to read/write objects through Fuel to pass them by copy,
though this looks difficult in some cases.
- Implement a lock system or a semaphore system on top of the CAS
- implement lock-free and lock-full algorithm using CAS and non CAS
instructions (I think a first try would be parallelSort on a 1Gb buffer of
int32 with 4 native threads)

What do you think ? Do you have ideas ? Are you interested ? Do you thing
having a student on this would be nice ?

The master thesis proposal has to include a research question. I am not
sure what other languages do regarding shared memory.It's not clear so far
what the research question is.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 10:33 AM, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.kriva...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> among other less interesting things, I spent some time on existing
> PosixSharedMemory project. It is a UFFI binding for the LibC methods
> that provide support for the memory allocation between several
> separate processes. I significantly improved the performance by
> implementing the block access. Writing of 10MB byte array takes about
> 1 millisecond, reading of it from other image took me about 4
> milliseconds. While serialization with Fuel is very fast, it opens
> interesting possibilities.
> To have a shared memory without synchronization tools is not very
> useful so I wrote a basic UFFI interface for the POSIX named
> semaphores. They are quite easy to use and work nicely with Pharo. The
> VM can all wait on the semaphore or it can check the status of it
> periodically in an image thread. It has two small disadvantages. It
> requires to dynamically link the next library (pthread) and they must
> be cleaned manually. I plan to look at System V alternative in future.
> Now we should write a nice framework for inter-image communication on
> top of it or/and adopt Seamless for it ;-)
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel

Clément Béra

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