createPackageNamed: - solved by you
browse - adds an ability for RBBrowserEnvironment to be browsed by
Nautilus, no action needed
asRingDefinition - for UndefinedObject, solved by Nautilus removal, no
action needed
addCategory:before: - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
hasErrorTest - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
inheritsFrom:  - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
compile:classified:notifying: - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
traits  - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
hasPassedTest - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
extendingPackages - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
hasFailedTest  - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
#color - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed
annotateRubricText: - solved by Nautilus removal, no action needed

The rest are the menu entries (

So at least from the method extensions point of view, we should be safe.

-- Pavel

2018-05-04 13:30 GMT+02:00 Pavel Krivanek <>:

> In an old image with Nautilus I did this:
> names := #('Nautilus' 'NautilusCommon' 'Nautilus-GroupManager'
> 'Nautilus-GroupManagerUI' 'QualityAssistant' 'QualityAssistantRecording'
> 'QualityAssistant-Test').
> selectors := names flatCollect: [ :packageName | packageName asPackage
> extensionMethods collect: #selector as: Set ].
> selectors reject: [ :each |
> senders := SystemNavigation default allSendersOf: each.
> senders allSatisfy: [ :sender | names includes: sender package name ] ].
> This is the result of problematic extensions. Some of them are solved by
> the removal, most of them are menu entries in NautilusRefactorings. The
> mentioned selector #createPackageNamed: is there.
>  "#(#codeRewritingClass: #methodRefactoring: #refactoringMenu:
> #varRefactoringSubMenu: #groupRefactoring: #createPackageNamed:
> #sourceCodeRefactoring: #refactoringSubmenu: #instVarRefactoring:
> #refactoringMethod: #browse #sourceCodeRefactoringMenu: #asRingDefinition
> #addCategory:before: #hasErrorTest #inheritsFrom:
> #compile:classified:notifying: #traits #hasPassedTest #extendingPackages
> #browsedEnvironment: #hasFailedTest #notifyViewedDiffFor:of: #repairIcon
> #color #annotateRubricText: #notifyBanInitiatedFor:of:
> #notifyCritique:AutoFixedFor:)"
> I will check them and make the issue entries.
> -- Pavel
> 2018-05-04 13:08 GMT+02:00 Pavel Krivanek <>:
>> 2018-05-04 10:19 GMT+02:00 Guillermo Polito <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've just tried to create a new package in Calypso and I got bitten by
>>> this:
>>> rom-Calypso-produces-DNU
>>> Creating a new package was an extension of Nautilus, and was never
>>> introduced in RPackage.
>>> How should we procceed? How can we know all the "extensions" that were
>>> not so?
>> I will try to check them
>> -- Pavel
>>> --
>>> Guille Polito
>>> Research Engineer
>>> Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille
>>> CRIStAL - UMR 9189
>>> French National Center for Scientific Research - *
>>> <>*
>>> *Web:* ** <>
>>> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

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