Well, I can answer my own question: SmallDictionary is a lot more space efficient.

I think the class comment should clarify the use case for SmallDictionary and mention the performance trade off.


On 8 Jun 2018, at 8:46, Max Leske wrote:


I was messing around with SmallDictionary when I suddenly realised that I can't find a single reason to use it over a normal Dictionary. While its name and class comment imply that it is somehow an optimised Dictionary, I don't see any measurement where that actually holds up. The following was run in a Pharo 7 image on a recent VM (see below):

| d |
d := SmallDictionary new.
d sizeInMemory. "24"
[100000 timesRepeat: [
        1 to: 100 do: [ :i | d at:i put: i] ] ] timeToRun. "0:00:00:05.226"

[100000 timesRepeat: [
        d at: 48 ifAbsent: [] ] ] timeToRun. "0:00:00:00.041"

| d |
d := Dictionary new.
d sizeInMemory. "16"
[100000 timesRepeat: [
        1 to: 100 do: [ :i | d at:i put: i] ] ] timeToRun. "0:00:00:00.385"
[100000 timesRepeat: [
        d at: 48 ifAbsent: [] ] ] timeToRun.  "0:00:00:00.006"

As you can see, SmallDictionary is 8 bytes larger per instance and significantly faster while reading and writing (I know that this isn't a good benchmark but it suffices to make my point).

Is anyone aware of a reason for hanging on to SmallDictionary? I'm also curious to know how SmallDictionary came to be. There must have been some advantage over Dictionary at some point in the past.


Image version: Pharo 7.0
Build information: Pharo-7.0+alpha.build.961.sha.a69e72a97136bc3f93831584b6efa2b1703deb84 (32 Bit)

VM version: CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog- nice.2281 uuid: 4beeaee7-567e-1a4b-b0fb-bd95ce302516 Nov 27 2017 StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-nice.2283 uuid: 2d20324d-a2ab-48d6-b0f6-9fc3d66899da Nov 27 2017 VM: 201711262336 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $ Date: Mon Nov 27 00:36:29 2017 +0100 $ Plugins: 201711262336 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git $

OS: macOS 10.13.5
Machine: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports)

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