Guillermo Polito <>
> Hi all,
> following the meeting we had here @Inria headquarters, I'll be backporting
> some of the improvements we did in the launcher this last month regarding
> the encoding of environment variables.
> I've opened for this issue
> We have already studied possible alternatives with Pablo and Christophe and
> we have some conclusions and we propose some changes:
> API Proposal for OSEnvironment
> =========================
>    -
> *at: aVariableName *
> Gets the String value of an environment variable called `aVariableName`
> It is the system reponsibility to manage the encoding.
> Rationale: A common denominator for all platforms providing an already
> decoded string, because windows does not (compared to *nix systems) provide
> a encoded byte representation of the value. Windows has instead its own
> wide string representation.
>    - *[optionally] rawAt: anEncodedVariableName*
> Gets the Byte value of an environment variable called
> `anEncodedVariableName`.
> It is the user responsibility to encode and decode argument and return
> values in the encoding of this preference.
> Rationale: Some systems may want to have the liberty to use different
> encodings, or even to put binary data in the variables.
>    - *[optionally] at: aVariableName encoding: anEncoding*
> Gets the value of an environment variable called `aVariableName` using
> `anEncoding` to encode/decode arguments and return values.
> Rationale: *xes could potentially use different encodings for their
> environment variables or even use different encodings in different parts of
> their file system.
> Other Implementation details
> =========================
>    - VM primitives returning paths Strings should be carefuly managed to
>    decode them, since they are actually C strings (so byte arrays) disguised
>    as ByteStrings.
>    - Windows requires calling the right *Wide version of the functions from
>    C, plus the correct encoding routine. This could be implemented as an FFI
>    call or by modifying the VM to do it properly instead of calling the Ascii
>    version

What is the conclusion from this and issue 22658? See PR 2238. #getEnv: is
public API


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