Oups, it seems that my mail client was lagging...

Le dim. 3 févr. 2019 à 17:19, Nicolas Cellier <
nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Ben,
> The figures in the table are quite linear.
> Duration * rate = constant.
> It's just that you want to plot 1/ duration or 1/ rate if you don't want
> to see an hyperbole x×y=cte
> Le dim. 3 févr. 2019 à 12:17, ducasse <steph...@netcourrier.com> a écrit :
>> Wouahhhhhh you are not playing :)
>> This is cool.
>> My network at home is lame to the dispear of my sons.
>> Stef
>> On 3 Feb 2019, at 12:06, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2 Feb 2019 at 18:54, ducasse <steph...@netcourrier.com> wrote:
>> > On Sat, 2 Feb 2019 at 11:01, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I am getting network errors trying to download latest Pharo Launcher,
>> >
>> > can you tell me how so that I try to reproduce it?
>> Since network performance depends a lot on location, and presuming you'd
>> need to be at my house to reproduce my experience,
>> I spent the afternoon learning about AWS so I could do some testing from
>> a Australian based cloud box
>> that you should be able to reproduce fairly easily, since this was my
>> first time using AWS.
>> With this 10 minute tutorial...
>> [Launch a Linux Virtual Machine](
>> https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/launch-a-virtual-machine/
>> )
>> 1. Signed up and signed in
>> Tip: I struggled a long while looping on "Sign in with root account
>> credentials" until I discovered I needed to use the email address I signed
>> up with, not the account name.
>> [Edit:] In the top right between account name and support,
>> pulled down list and selected "Asia Pacfic (Sydney)"
>> 2. Clicked "Launch a virtual machine"
>> (note, that only seems to show up for blank account, otherwise its
>> "Launch Instance"
>> 3. Ticked "Free tier only" filter.
>> + Selected "Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type"
>> + Clicked <Review and Launch>  (used default t2.micro)
>> + Clicked <Launch>
>> + From the pull-down selected "Create a new key pair",
>> gave it a name and clicked <Download Keypair> saved as
>> "SydneyPharoSpeedTest.pem"
>> + Clicked <Launch Instance>
>> + Clicked <View Instances>
>> noted instance...
>> * IP address:
>> * Zone: ap-southeast-2b
>> * Security Group: Launch Wizard 1
>> 4. On my Windows 10 box, in WSL did...
>> $ cd ~/.ssh       # if it doesn't exist, first do...   mkdir -m 700 ~/.ssh
>> $ cp /mnt/c/Users/Ben/Downloads/SydneyPharoSpeedTest.pem   ~/.ssh
>> $ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/SydneyPharoSpeedTest.pem
>> $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/SydneyPharoSpeedTest.pem  ubuntu@$ cat
>> /etc/os-release
>> ID="amzn"
>> ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora"
>> Ignoring any packet loss on poor networks, first testing low bandwidths
>> on a good network
>> $ vi test.sh
>> #!/bin/sh
>> if [ -d out ]; then
>>     dirdate=`stat -c %z out | awk '{print $1"-"$2}' `
>>     mv out out.${dirdate}
>> fi
>> mkdir out
>> for RATE in 1000k 500k 200k 100k 50k 20k 10k 5k 2k 1k
>> do
>>   echo $RATE
>>   /usr/bin/time -f "%e" -o out/time.$RATE \
>>        wget --quiet --limit-rate $RATE
>> https://files.pharo.org/pharo-launcher/1.6/pharo-launcher-1.6.msi -O
>> out/file.$RATE &
>> done
>> $ sh test.sh
>> monitoring with...
>> $ cat out/time* | sort -n
>> $ ls -lS out
>> results in following table and graphs...
>> $RATE
>> (kb/s) TIME
>> (s) TIME
>> (min) TIME
>> (hr)
>> 1000 54 1 0.0
>> 500 105 2 0.0
>> 200 259 4 0.1
>> 100 515 9 0.1
>> 50 1029 17 0.3
>> 20 2576 43 0.7
>> 10 5149 86 1.4
>> 5 10527 175 2.9
>> <download-speed.png>
>> Wow that surprised me.  I'm not sure what the behaviour of file servers
>> at low bandwidth should be,
>> but intuitively the above seems odd.  In the past troubleshooting seems
>> to have been
>> focused on the cause of slow speeds, but these can occur for many reasons
>> unrelated to the
>> the file server.  The above test ignores cause to isolate behaviour at
>> slow speeds.
>> I forgot my own download speed yesterday (today is okay), but here is
>> another sample...
>> "(in Argentina) it is really slow ... 3.5KB/s ... average 10KB/s".
>> http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Downloads-are-sluggish-td5084963.html
>> I would hope that download time was near linear with speed all the way
>> down to 1kb/s.
>> Anyone have some sysadmins they can lean on to understand if that is
>> realistic?
>> The straightness of the line using a log-log axis makes it seem like
>> policy rather than physics.
>> <download-speed(log).png>
>> HTH,
>> cheers -ben

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