Eric - I had the same feeling a few years ago when I got a retina laptop and 
found Pharo a bit fuzzy on the eyes (although it’s true that with time you 
start to notice it less).

Anyway - I’m not sure anyone has actually mentioned that you can download the 
latest Glamourous Toolkit ( 
<> - take the prebuilt image) and then open a 
playground (with all other windows closed) and evaluate:

Bloc preferableHostClass: BlOSWindowHost

Then try one of the examples in the GT menu (don’t go full screen in your 
image), and this will open a second native window rendered in retina quality. 
Its still a bit alpha - you get a warning dialog that you have to click ignore 
on 3 times - but then it keeps running. It is also obviously unoptimised at 
this point too.

I think this gives a welcome glance of the future - so there is hope.


> On 16 Feb 2019, at 11:04, ducasse <> wrote:
> Hi Eric
> I will let esteban reply carefully :)
> Now my take on this is 
>       that we want to go via SDL and other backends to solve the problems 
> (event dropping, display)
>       Back in October, Esteban fixed the SDL/OSWindows so that Bloc people 
> can get rid of the 
>       VM rendering and be free. 
> This is the path to go. 
> For Bloc I (personally and discussing with Alain) think that there is 4-6 
> months of work (if I would overselling it I would have said that this is 2 
> month work) to clean it and tight it up - (not talking about Widgets). I 
> personnally do not want Design like Glamour or GT in the system (too many 
> announcers).
> So we will take time to do real code review. 
> So our roadmap is 
>       - make sure that Pharo can work headless
>       - check the impact of SDL/OSWindow
>       - focus on new spec version so that we can have our tools migrated and 
> we do not have to 
>       rewrite them once more. 
> Pharo 90 probably focus on Bloc. 
> Stef
>> On 15 Feb 2019, at 17:52, Eric Gade <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I know that others have posted about this before but I wanted to get the 
>> current status. 
>> I've recently had to buy a new laptop that came with a HiDPI display. 
>> Generally (especially on Linux systems) this makes Pharo unusable. Though 
>> there are font size increase and scaling options in the Pharo system 
>> settings, these do not work as a solution -- buttons are still tiny, there 
>> is inconsistent scaling behavior across morphic, etc. The overall problem 
>> can be described as: in Pharo, one pixel equals one "point," and so the 
>> interface is incredibly small on these HiDPI screens (3k etc).
>> These HiDPI screens are becoming more common, both as laptop and as external 
>> displays. Their main advantage is that they can render text very crisply. In 
>> the HN post announcing the release of P7, there were one or two complaints 
>> about this issue. It does make it hard to demonstrate to others (as I do 
>> often) the power of developing in Pharo.
>> Here are some questions I have about this issue:
>> 1) What is the current state of affairs in dealing with this issue, if any?
>> 2) Would this require VM changes (I assume it would)? If so, what might 
>> those entail?
>> 3) If this does require VM changes, I assume the Squeak people would want in 
>> on it?
>> 4) Is the current plan to wait for Bloc to resolve these issues and/or would 
>> switching to Bloc resolve these issues at all anyway?
>> 5) Related -- where can one start to learn about current VM architecture and 
>> development practices?
>> That said I'm not here to just bellyache. While I don't have any VM 
>> experience, I'm willing to jump in and try to work on it if someone can 
>> point me in the right direction. Or perhaps this is too specialized a task...
>> Thanks
>> -- 
>> Eric

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