He he Ben - I was just coming over here to ask something similar …

It also struck me that a method that initialises a class variable should rerun 
when saved, as the mystery of class side #initialize and when its actually sent 
can be a bit overwhelming.

These days, we have all of the hooks to do this well don’t we? I guess the 
issue comes down to how far you have to go if there are method dependencies 
etc. So yeah - maybe a pragma to make the intent clear might be a nice way to 

As it stands (and where I’m sure this thread comes from) - I think the clarity 

 MyVar ifNil: [MyVar := self bigInitialisation] 

makes it a bit more obvious that its a lazy initialisation and you have to 
re-run it (and I cheat with an example like: “MyClassVar := nil. MyClass 
myClassVarAccessor >>>”)

But I wonder if the lazy initialisation approach is the favoured one anyway - 
and am curious what others think (but still agree with Ben that class 
initialised vars should work better in this day and age).


> On 4 Mar 2019, at 02:46, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> In relation to developing sample solutions for an Exercism exercise, the 
> following observation was made about class initialization...
>> class is initialized on load - and not when you modify it - so this can be 
>> very confusing for users  
> My first thought was to wonder if Quality Assistant could track whether a 
> class initialize method had been run after it was modified,
> and display alerts.
> Alternatively, I wonder if a reasonable pattern would be to couple class-side 
> lazy initialization 
> with a pragma to reset a variable when the method is saved...
>    MyClass class >> referenceData
>        <onSaveResetVariable: ReferenceData>
>        ^ ReferenceData := ReferenceData ifNil: [ 'reference data' ]
> cheers -ben

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