
I appreciate your working to make this happen. No pressure from me on time. I am blessed that you are contributing this to the community and that I can benefit from your labors. At your convenience.

I look forward to using Smallapack when available. I am thrilled to be able to stay with Pharo and not have to use Python/Numpy. :)



On 4/25/19 12:38 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
Hi Jimmie,
The Metacello Configuration is not ready for Pharo7.
I have succeeded in loading Smallapack yesterday without Metacello, and could run some of the tests. I had to modify a few methods because of Pharo refactorings, and there is still some work to make it fully operational.
When ready, I'll update the Metacello configuration and keep you informed.

Le jeu. 25 avr. 2019 à 19:06, Jimmie Houchin < <>> a écrit :

    When I attempt to install via Metacello in Pharo 7, I get the
    following warning.

    This package depends on the following classes:

    I do not know how to proceed from there. Any help greatly appreciated.



    On 4/24/19 12:20 AM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
    I recommand inquiring about Smallapack, the Smalltalk interface
    to LAPACK, on <> or
    github. You'll get the speed of numpy. There is a Metacello
    configuration. I have not checked the port on current
    Pharo, but I can reactivate if there is some interest.

    Le mer. 24 avr. 2019 à 05:55, Jimmie Houchin <
    <>> a écrit :

        I just recently discovered FloatArray by accident.

        I was close to having to use Python/Numpy due to considerable
        performance differences. Performance is very important.

        In one of my test using a 212000 item array of floats and
        doing a sum on
        each iteration through the array Pharo was taking 17 minutes
        Python/Numpy taking 20 seconds. Using FloatArray closes the
        gap to 40
        seconds. That is acceptable.

        However when looking at the FloatArray comment it says it
        uses 32bit
        floats. I need 64bit. I don't even know where to look to
        create 64bit
        FloatArrays. I am surprised that they didn't get converted
        when moving
        to 64bit Pharo.

        Would I need to change VM source? Compile a new VM and create
        image side
        classes? I have not messed with VM in years. I do not know
        where the
        FloatArray plugin would be.

        Any pointers would be a great help. If this needs to be on
        the vm-dev
        list I can move it there.



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