It’s a good point Ben - in fact categorisation in general has not been finished 
in pharo7 - the move to Calypso lost smart method categories and its on the 
todo list to fix and improve it.


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> On 11 May 2019, at 18:07, Ben Coman <> wrote:
> Currently when a DNU occurs we get this cool <Create> button,
> but when this presents the dialog "New Protocol Name" I get a blank
> list and the default is "as yet unclassified" and I end up with a heap
> of such unclassified methods to sort later.
> I am wondering if it could be smarter when tests are being run.  A
> reasonable assumption could be that the test's package name is closely
> related to the likely extension package name.
> So for a DNU, I wonder if the debugger could walk the stack to
> discover if a TestCase subclass was on the stack (e.g. MyTestCase) and
> then determine which package MyTestCase belonged to, and present that
> as a choice for "New Protocol Name", helping categorize extension
> methods.
> I've started to play like this...
> TestCase subclass: #MyTestRoot
> MyTestRoot >> runCase
>    [ super runCase ]
>        on: MessageNotUnderstood
>        do: [ :ex |
>              "do something here, but for now..."
>               ex pass
>               ].
> but before getting to deep, I'm seeking suggestions/solutions from the
> community.
> cheers -ben

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