Thanks for the roadmap.

I am particularly excited about the underlying improvements, such as VM, TaskIT 
and TFFI, that might capture less headlines.

About TaskIT, are these:
>       • Implement a prototype of a distributed backend to execute tasks.
>       • Implement a communication layer using Rabbit MQ
>       • Implement the first version of a process manager for handling 
> multiples images and workers.

already available?


> On Oct 7, 2019, at 4:02 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Since some time we wanted to start with this report to keep you all informed 
> on what we are doing to achieve our goals for the release.
> After ESUG we took some time to organise and we managed to put this in 
> movement. 
> The idea is to post one the first week of each month (but it may vary, as you 
> see with this one who came a bit later :P)
> Actions reportes are just dots, since we do not have the time to add a big 
> explanation and we hope you are already involved and more or less know what 
> we are talking about. 
> But do not hesitate to ask if you want more details :)
> Roadmap progress report.
> September 2019
> Image
> Code Loading
>       • Profiling the time spent to load code
>       • Reimplementing a better Read/Write Buffered Stream
>       • Improving the performance of Source writing and reading,
>       • Improving in at least 20% the time of loading code using Metacello.
> Spec 2
>       • Pass on SpMillerColumnPresenter to made it of general use.
>               • Implement a specific SpMillerLayout to handle Miller columns.
>       • Pass on regular input ports (transmissions subsystem) to implement 
> activation ports.
>       • Pass on SpStyle subsystem (kind of STON based stylesheets for 
> Morphic).
>       • Fix SpGridLayout horizontal cell calculous. (It was broken).
>       • Fix SpBoxLayout berderWith and padding. (It was broken).
>       • Added contextual menus to widgets. 
>               • This functionality was completely revamped to make it work in 
> all backends. 
>               • It was generalised to all widgets (even if not all should use 
> it!)
>       • Added focus order to presenters. 
>               • This is also a full revamp of old existing functionality.
>               • it accepts you to change the default order, but it has a 
> default order (previous implementations forced you to do the focusing by 
> hand).
>       • Added key binding support for all widgets. 
>               • This is also a full revamp of old exiting functionality. 
> Spec2+GTK3
>       • callbacks can now be chained. This requires some explanation: In Gtk3 
> you connect to signals. And you can connect just one callback to one signal. 
> Thankfully we control the callbacks in our side, so we modified signal 
> callbacks to accept to chain other callbacks (then we can connect several 
> actions to one single event, for example "keypress" or “hide").
>               • along with this, we reworked the callback hierarchy.
>       • implemented inheritance in Pharo of Gtk3 objects and interfaces (this 
> is needed to enhance control of tables and many others).
>       • added autocompletion capabilities to SpCodePresenter.
>       • added a mechanism to avoid duplicate signalling between the backend 
> and the adaptors. 
>       • Fix an important leak on GtkFormView.
> NewTools
>       • Inspector 
>               • it now implements Miller columns
>               • Using TaskIt as backend for stepping.
>               • extensions migrated (we are at 10% of the total of migrations 
> needed, we will enhance this in iterative way).
>       • Debugger
>               • Almost complete revamp of UI.
>               • Fix context updating (to allow commands to actually work)
>               • Integrate new inspector.
>               • Work on new layouts for debugger
>       • Make an experimental tool: "playbook", to concentrate playgrounds and 
> test some UI ideas.
>       • Adding Tests
>       • Support for kind of literals and support type definitions in literals
>       • Documentation
>       • Measuring performance issues on large images.
> TaskIT
>       • Implement a prototype of a distributed backend to execute tasks.
>       • Implement a communication layer using Rabbit MQ
>       • Implement the first version of a process manager for handling 
> multiples images and workers.
> VM
>       • Fixing problem with LibGIT and Windows 1903.
>       • Fixing the performance issues of Windows 1903 with File accesses when 
> using solid-state 4k physical sector disks.
>       • XCode integration
>       • Adding an initial version to detect invalid order in the return from 
> concurrent callbacks.
>       • Improving the implementation of TFFI to run 50% faster in callouts.
>       • Build of StackVM


"Some battles are better lost than fought."

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