
DrTest is integrated into Pharo 8 now - but there seems to be a strange bug
in overlapping widgets when one uses the grouping selection box.

See attached screenshot.

I opened an issue for that: https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/5205
for Pharo. Dont know if that is known bug or even already fixed in the original 
of DrTest. Would be good if the authors (Julien or Dayne) could check.

Additional feedback:

It's really a nice tool - but I see myself still switching back to old 
TestRunner again.
Two reasons:

1. Compared to the regular TestRunner where one is able to see the failing tests
   directly in DrTest one always has to have additional clicks in the
   grouping tree on the left before getting the final results.

   So the default grouping of the results as a tree could be disturbing because 
   requires more clicking around.

   Would be a nice addition if there would be an additional "no grouping" mode 
as well
   so the results are just shown in a list like in reglar TestRunner.

2. The old TestRunner had (after filtering the package) an additional useful 
context menu
   with "Select all" and "Select none", "Select inversion", .... which allowed
   easier focusing on the test classes I want to check.
   Would be nice if a similar one could be added.


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