Hi Stef,

On Sun, 12 Jan 2020 at 11:28, ducasse <steph...@netcourrier.com> wrote:
> Hi alistair
> Hi
> I wanted to explain
> | semaphore p1 p2 |
> semaphore := Semaphore new.
> p1 := [ semaphore wait.
>        'p1' crTrace ] fork.
> p2 := [semaphore signal.
>         'p2' crTrace ] fork.
> displays p2 and p1.
> but I would like explain clearly but it depends on the semantics of signal.
> The way this is phrased seems to imply that 'p2' will always be
> displayed before 'p1', however in Pharo this is not guaranteed (when
> the processes are at the same priority, as they are this example).
> No this is not what I implied.
> I will reread and rephrase the chapters.
> As Eliot implied in another reply, Pharo has #processPreemptionYields
> set to true, which means that any time a higher priority process
> preempts, the current process will be moved to the back of the queue.
> Yes this is explained in the next chapter.
> What you should see is that we cannot explain everything in a single chapter.
> At least I cannot.

Agreed.  Maybe just a footnote indicating that process scheduling will
be explained in later chapters.

> So in the case above, after p2 signals the semaphore, if a timer was
> delivered or keystroke pressed, p2 would be suspended and moved to the
> back of the queue.  When the timer / keystroke / etc. had finished
> processing p1 would be at the front of the queue and would complete
> first.
> Since time and input events are (for practical purposes) unpredictable
> it means that the execution order of processes at a given priority is
> also unpredictable.
> While this isn't likely to happen in the example above, I have seen it
> regularly with TaskIt and multiple entries being run concurrently.
> I agree with Eliot that changing #processPreemptionYields to true by
> default would be an improvement in Pharo.  It would make it easier to
> predict what is happening in a complex environment.

As Sven kindly pointed out, I meant to say set
#processPreemptionYields to false.

> If this would be that easy. :)
> Now what would be a consequence: we should revisit all the processes of the 
> system
> and understand if/where they should yield. Because now there is an implicit 
> yield.
> So in an ideal world the new semantics is probably better. Now are we ready 
> to get new bugs
> and chase them when an old logic like for example an hidden process in 
> calypso worked
> under the assumption that it was implicitly yielding after preemption?
> This is the question that we asked ourselves and we do not really know.
> So far Pharo worked this way during 12 years with this semantics (I does not 
> mean that we cannot
> change because of our Motto - but the point is to understand the impact and 
> control).
> Contrary to what people may think we are not changing without assessing 
> impact.
> So to us this is not an easy decision (while doing it take one single line of 
> one assignment).

I also wasn't implying that we just go ahead and change it.  But if it
is a possibility then I'll try changing it in my image and see how it
helps with tracking down inter-process interactions that we're
currently experiencing, and if it does introduce any showstopper


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