There is an issue about incorporating Squeak arithmetic changes in Pharo:

I start to understand what could be done and could not find time to do the
You are welcome if you want to help.

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:48 PM Shaping <> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Squeak 5.3:
>   Time millisecondsToRun: [ 100000 factorial  ] 6250
> Pharo 8:
>   Time millisecondsToRun: [ 100000 factorial  ] 7736
> Why the difference?
> Squeak 5.3 release notes describe arithmetic improvements.  Nice.  I
> crunch very big numbers, and these improvements therefore have value.  Why
> would they not be included in OSVM (forked or not) and the basic class-set
> for both Squeak and Pharo?
> Playing with Squeak 5.3, I’ve noticed that the GUI is snappier.  Browser
> ergonomics are better too (for me at least), but that can be fixed/tuned in
> either environ to suit the developer.  (Still that’s some work I prefer not
> to do.)  Pharo GUIs are now generally slower, except for the Launcher,
> which is delightfully quick because it is written in Spec2.  I presume that
> all Pharo GUIs will eventually (ETA?) be written in Spec2 and that Pharo
> will then be quick in all its GUIs.  The obvious question is:  Will Squeak
> be improving GUI look/behavior and speed with Spec2?  If not, can I load
> Spec2 into Squeak so that I can do new GUI work there?
> Both Squeak and Pharo have slow text selection.  Pick any word in any
> pane, and double click it to select it.  When I do this, I sense a 75 to
> 100 ms latency between the end of the double click and the selection
> highlight appearing on the word.   I thought I’d entered a wormhole.  So I
> did the same experiment in VW 8.3.2, VS Code, and Notepad, and all three
> showed undetectable latencies.   This matters to me.  I’m trying to port
> from VW to Pharo or Squeak (for a really long time now), and can’t push
> myself past the text-selection delay problem.  Can text-selection speed be
> improved to the level of VW’s?   Can someone sketch the algo used and/or
> point me to the right class/methods.
> The Squeak debugging experience step-to-step is much quicker.  The
> latencies in Pharo after button- release are very long.  I estimate 100 to
> 150 ms.   That’s too long for me to work productively.  I lose my mental
> thread with many of those delays, and have to restart the thought.  It’s a
> serious problem, caused mostly by acclimation to no detectable latency for
> many years (Dolphin and VW have quick GUIs).  Is speeding up the Pharo
> debugger with Spec2 a priority?  I can’t think of a better GUI-related
> priority for Pharo.
> Not speed-related:
> -  How can I load additional fonts into Squeak?  Pharo does this with the
> font dialog’s Update button.
> - Where in the Squeak and Pharo images can I change mouse-selection
> behavior to be leading-edge?  Some of the Squeak panes have this; others
> don’t.  I want leading-edge action in all panes, and wish the feature were
> in Preferences/Settings.
> Shaping

Serge Stinckwic

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