Thanks Marcus

On Apr 14 2021, at 10:53 am, Marcus Denker <> wrote:
> Just a status update: we merged all the code.
> - we now have for both the class and method view a Critique rule that warns 
> you if you use shadowing vars.
> - Pavel fixed all the cases of shadowing class variables. Thanks!
> - release tests are active, #testNoShadowedVariablesInMethods fo methods and 
> at the class level:
> testClassesShadow
> | classes |
> classes := Smalltalk globals allBehaviors select: [ :class |
> class definedVariables anySatisfy: [ :var |
> var isShadowing ] ].
> self assert: classes isEmpty description: classes asArray asString
> status cleanups:
> - DONE: Shadowed vars (as we saw)
> => TODO: combine the snippets of writing into one blog post for the devblog
> - DONE: unused Class Variables
> - ongoing: unused ivars. Just some left in Spec+Newtools (and one in Kernel 
> tests)
> - ongoing: all methods should be categorized.
> - todo: we should have no method that is the same as a method in a superclass
> > On 2 Apr 2021, at 15:33, Marcus Denker < 
> > (> wrote:
> >
> >
> > # Code Critique
> >
> > What we need next is a Code Critique rule. This for once warns developers 
> > early, but in addition it will
> > make it much easier to fix the 6 problem cases that the release test 
> > exposed.
> >
> > Checking for current senders of #definedVariables leads us to 
> > ReVariableAssignedLiteralRule, we can use this as a template.
> > The main method doing the check looks like this:
> >
> > ```Smalltalk
> > check: aClass forCritiquesDo: aCriticBlock
> >
> > aClass definedVariables do: [ :variable |
> > variable isShadowing ifTrue: [
> > aCriticBlock cull: (self critiqueFor: aClass about: variable name) ] ]
> > ```
> >
> > The full PR is here:

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