
yes, this looks strange.

It seems that even calling #initialize does not fix it, thus it might be 
initialised on Startup, but this does not
set the desktop location.

Can you open an issue?


> On 21 Jul 2021, at 21:54, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that in the latest Pharo 9 (downloaded minutes ago) the following:
> FileLocator desktop resolve.
> Pops up a dialog asking to set the location of {desktop} manually.
> I am guessing FileLocator did not properly initialise at startup. It seems it 
> is missing from the session manager. 
> This is bad.
> Maybe the full list of classes that are supposed to be part of the session 
> manager's start up sequence need to be checked. Such a failure to initialise 
> are sometimes hard to find and can lead to subtle bugs.
> Sven

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