Hi Jimmie,

I loaded your code in Pharo 9 on my MacBook Pro (Intel i5) macOS 12.1

I commented out the Stdio logging from the 2 inner loops (#loop1, #loop2) (not 
done in Python either) as well as the MessageTally spyOn: from #run (slows 
things down).

Then I ran your code with:

[ (LanguageTest newSize: 60*24*5*4 iterations: 10) run ] timeToRun.

which gave me "0:00:09:31.338"

The console output was:

Starting test for array size: 28800  iterations: 10

Creating array of size: 28800   timeToRun: 0:00:00:00.031

Starting loop 1 at: 2022-01-07T14:10:35.395394+01:00
Loop 1 time: nil
nsum: 11234.235001659388
navg: 0.39007760422428434

Starting loop 2 at: 2022-01-07T14:15:22.108433+01:00
Loop 2 time: 0:00:04:44.593
nsum: 11245.697629561537
navg: 0.3904756121375534

End of test.  TotalTime: 0:00:09:31.338

Which would be twice as fast as Python, if I got the parameters correct.


> On 7 Jan 2022, at 13:19, Jimmie Houchin <jlhouc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I stated this is a micro benchmark and very much not anything resembling a 
> real app, Your comments are true if you are writing your app. But if you want 
> to stress the language you are going to do things which are seemingly 
> non-sense and abusive.
> Also as I stated. The test has to be sufficient to stress faster languages or 
> it is meaningless.
> If I remove the #sum and the #average calls from the inner loops, this is 
> what we get.
> Julia      0.2256 seconds
> Python   5.318  seconds
> Pharo    3.5    seconds
> This test does not sufficiently stress the language. Nor does it provide any 
> valuable insight into summing and averaging which is done a lot, in lots of 
> places in every iteration.
> If you notice that inner array changes the array every iteration. So every 
> call to #sum and #average is getting different data.
> Full Test
> Julia     1.13  minutes
> Python   24.02 minutes
> Pharo    2:09:04
> Code for the above is now published. You can let me know if I am doing 
> something unequal to the various languages.
> And just remember anything you do which sufficiently changes the test has to 
> be done in all the languages to give a fair test. This isn't a lets make 
> Pharo look good test. I do want Pharo to look good, but honestly.
> Yes, I know that I can bind to BLAS or other external libraries. But that is 
> not a test of Pharo. The Python is plain Python3 no Numpy, just using the the 
> default list [] for the array.
> Julia is a whole other world. It is faster than Numpy. This is their domain 
> and they optimize, optimize, optimize all the math. In fact they have reached 
> the point that some pure Julia code beats pure Fortran.
> In all of this I just want Pharo to do the best it can.
> With the above results unless you already had an investment in Pharo, you 
> wouldn't even look. :(
> Thanks for exploring this with me.
> Jimmie
> On 1/6/22 18:24, John Brant wrote:
>> On Jan 6, 2022, at 4:35 PM, Jimmie Houchin <jlhouc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> No, it is an array of floats. The only integers in the test are in the 
>>> indexes of the loops.
>>> Number random. "generates a float  0.8188008774329387"
>>> So in the randarray below it is an array of 28800 floats.
>>> It just felt so wrong to me that Python3 was so much faster. I don't care 
>>> if Nim, Crystal, Julia are faster. But...
>>> I am new to Iceberg and have never shared anything on Github so this is all 
>>> new to me. I uploaded my language test so you can see what it does. It is a 
>>> micro-benchmark. It does things that are not realistic in an app. But it 
>>> does stress a language in areas important to my app.
>>> https://github.com/jlhouchin/LanguageTestPharo
>>> Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help solve this problem.
>>> I am a lone developer in my spare time. So my apologies for any ugly code.
>> Are you sure that you have the same algorithm in Python? You are calling sum 
>> and average inside the loop where you are modifying the array:
>>      1 to: nsize do: [ :j || n |
>>              n := narray at: j.
>>              narray at: j put: (self loop1calc: i j: j n: n).
>>              nsum := narray sum.
>>              navg := narray average ]
>> As a result, you are calculating the sum of the 28,800 size array 28,800 
>> times (plus another 28,800 times for the average). If I write a similar loop 
>> in Python, it looks like it would take almost 9 minutes on my machine 
>> without using numpy to calculate the sum. The Pharo code takes ~40 seconds. 
>> If this is really how the code should be, then I would change it to not call 
>> sum twice (once for sum and once in average). This will almost result in a 
>> 2x speedup. You could also modify the algorithm to update the nsum value in 
>> the loop instead of summing the array each time. I think the updating would 
>> require <120,000 math ops vs the >1.6 billion that you are performing.
>> John Brant

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