On 28 Feb 2022, at 9:27, Marcus Denker wrote:

>> On 27 Feb 2022, at 19:34, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm happy to announce Fuel version 5.0.0 today.
>> The changes to 4.0.0 aren't huge but I've had to adjust the format once more.
>> 5.0.0 comes with full support for stateful traits, i.e. traits with instance 
>> variables. You can find the release notes here: 
>> https://theseion.github.io/Fuel/releases/5.0.0/.
> Nice! As soon as the Pharo11 dev cycle starts, I want to use it and look into 
> the state of serialising clean blocks.
> (Clean blocks are not enabled by default in Pharo10, but I want to push for 
> finishing that soon in Pharo11).

That's going to be interesting :). Ideally this will work out of the box.

> Another change I am looking into is to allow Slots on all classes… we can not 
> not have indexed instance variables
> in some classes, but with Slots we can define non-indexed “instance 
> variables” that store somewhere else.
> E.g. we could implement a subclass of Slot that would realise a Variable 
> “source” on CompiledMethod that would
> abstract away source code storage mess (just as an example what this can do, 
> not to say that we should do exactly that).
> Or have a Slot that stores into a property API as we have it on all the 
> Structural entities (from classes down to compiledMethod).
> Fuel for now just ignores the whole “First class Variable” concept and 
> serialises the “raw” view of indexed instance
> variables… (which is the right thing to do now), but that would not work here 
> anymore.

Good to know. I'll have to think about how this plays together with the 
"classic" architecture.

>       Marcus

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