
There is nothing to stop us and others from having fun on top of a
clean system with a user interface that can meet the expectations of
users, paying and otherwise.  The cleanup is long overdue and very much
starting to show.


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Tel: (352) 273-6785
FAX: (352) 392-7029

>>> 1/15/2009 3:47:19 PM >>>

Jannik understood today why we forked :) and why we were really  
thinking that
people are not serious when they want to keep squeak as it was.
We cannot attract all the smart guys we want with a system like that. 

So we are improving :)

This is sad because there are so much fun stuff. But fun does not mean 

So we will rebuild them. I hope that people will have fun building  
cool new fun
tools and apps in Pharo.

The isKindOf: plague is also terrrrrrrible.
I learned about the ownerThatIsA: today (arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh).
Morphic is the proof that graph traversal as programming paradigm is  
doomed (cf. K. Lieberherr moto -
I think all his queries are doomed too -ok you may get something more 

flexible, dynamic but at which price
and for which real use case...)

>>       remove AlignmentMorphBob1
> YES, a dream come true ;-)
> michael

I'm sad but the next on my pirate boat board "planche" are
        - BookMorph and friends -- don't we like class depending on
subclasses - yeah.
        - Project (we will have to pay a bit more attention)

Once etoy is finally removed, will restart to work on that and these  
freaks are out
we will really be on a cleaner world.


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