2009/7/1 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/7/1 Michael Rueger <m.rue...@acm.org>:
>> Stephen Pair wrote:
>>> accomplish this (in VisualWorks).  It would be really cool if things
>>> like filenames and directories didn't make assumptions about the file
>>> system with which they are used (so that you could have filenames for in
>>> memory file systems, or filenames for other file systems that one might
>>> connect with in ways other than the built in local file system primitives).
>> broken record... ;-)
>> ...use URIs :-)
> how then i could write a 'FileDirectory default' in terms of URIs?
> 'file://.' asURI ?

Path @ 'file://'
Path @ 'file://c:\file.txt'
( Path @ 'file://c:\file.txt' ) readStream contents.
( Path @ 'file://c:\file.txt' ) writeStream.
( Path @ 'http://www.dreamtheater.net/' ) readStream contents.
( Path @ 'app://yourContainer1.yourContainer2.yourObject' ) readStream

>> Then send things like stream, writeStream etc to the URI and have the
>> scheme dispatch resolve the rest.
>> Michael
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> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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