On 09.07.2009 23:03, Lukas Renggli wrote:
OUCH!!!!  That's quite an example; just for giggles, I started up a 3.9 
polymorph image and retraced my steps (via message names, same as in Pharo) and 
 had a prompt reply.  After doing that, I found that Pharo (win32) had indeed 
completed the task.

Again, this has nothing to do with Pharo, OmniBrowser or Polymorph.

This is PackageInfo that is so slow when trying to find out the owning
package of each of the 6334 methods. If the display of the package for
every method is removed the sender browser opens almost instantly.


Hmmm, really? I do have a fast machine, and it ran in 1,7 seconds for me, but when I run TimeProfileBrowser on the block (first time, later runs alot of stuff is already cached and thus won't show up as prominently if you do TimeProfile on opening a batch of windows ), I get the following percentages:
- 32% building the dynamic "all" category
    - 19% reading all subclass selectors (these are then cached).
- 13% reading the timestamp of the compiledMethods /(these are then cached) from sources to see if they're recent - 20% finding extension classes, amongst other things PackageInfo here spends half that time doing an includes: check with an OrderedCollection with 174 elements...
-41% building the OB UI.
-7% GC'ing

A good increase in response time could probably be seen by, as you said, not selecting all category by default, instead promising of it's calculation (In VisualWorks anyways, for those who don't know, it's the same as a fork which returns a value, but blocks if the value it attempted to be used before it's finished calculated).

2 small Performance "bugs" I encountered while checking the methods:
OBPackagesOrClassNode>>addUnpackagedCategories: categories to: pkgs does:
    SystemOrganization categories asSet difference: categories
Looking at what the includes check in difference: is done against, it's clear the code should be:
    SystemOrganization categories difference: categories asSet.
Difference: 500 repetitions in the debugger I had open at the time: 10866 ms vs 581 ms. (20 times faster)

PackageInfo >> externalClasses
    myClasses := self classesAndMetaClasses.
then does an includes: check, could add an asSet on end there:
    myClasses := self classesAndMetaClasses asSet.
Difference: 500 repetitions in the debugger I had open at the time: 105444ms vs 11447 ms (9 times faster)

With these 2 changes, the 20% in finding extension classes was reduced to 11%.


'From Pharo0.1 of 16 May 2008 [Latest update: #10371] on 10 July 2009 at 
10:54:16 am'!

!OBPackagesOrClassesNode methodsFor: 'package list' stamp: 'Henrik Sperre 
Johansen 7/10/2009 10:19'!
addUnpackagedCategories: categories to: pkgs
        | remainingCats |
        remainingCats := SystemOrganization categories difference: categories 
        remainingCats ifNotEmpty: [
            pkgs add: (OBMonticelloPackageNode new workingCopy: (OBDummyPackage 
categories: remainingCats asOrderedCollection))].! !

!PackageInfo methodsFor: 'dependencies' stamp: 'Henrik Sperre Johansen 
7/10/2009 10:31'!
        | myClasses |
        myClasses := self classesAndMetaClasses asSet.
        ^ Array streamContents:
                [:s |
                ProtoObject withAllSubclassesDo:
                        [:class |
                        (myClasses includes: class) ifFalse: [s nextPut: 
class]]]! !

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