Yes david is working on that.
I removed the package in senders and 'm working on a replacement for  
Package info (but not for tomorrow),

On Jul 14, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:

> We really need to change this situation.
> As Lukas pointed out, its not the OmniBrowser implementation that is
> slow. There are some extended features of OmniBrowser that use
> computation intensive or inefficient parts of the system like
> PackageInfo. I really appreciate all these cool new features, but if
> they make the browser slow, they defeat the whole purpose.
> Users don't know the details and they don't care. If they open a Pharo
> image and its slow, then this just gives a bad impression. If people
> start telling each other "Pharo is slow", we will loose reputation
> that is very hard to win back.
> So I suggest to either disable the features that make the browser slow
> so that it is snappy again or to replace it with the version Lukas is
> using until it is fast enough.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> On Jul 14, 2009, at 11:49 , Michael Rueger wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Stéphane
>> Ducasse<> wrote:
>>> take the core image.
>>> The default tools in web dev are too slow right now.
>> Maybe we should point that out somewhere as we promote the dev-images
>> as being "Pharo"?
>> As we can see from some of the discussion on the Squeak list people
>> then think Pharo in general is dog slow...
>> Michael
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