On a 1.0betaCore-10401, I have the evil error.

> 'eureka' . ' EUREKA'
>       I get no single method....

If I proceed, I also have no single method. There is something broken  
'eureka' asUppercase

Apparently, MethodFinder does not find it in the last version.

In a 10343, MethodFinder raises the evil error, but finds #asUppercase


> On Aug 11, 2009, at 11:22 PM, Lawson English wrote:
>> Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>> BTW, some of us Second LIfe types are starting to play with
>>>> Pharo/Seaside and various little issues keep popping up. I'm a  
>>>> total
>>>> Smalltalk
>>>> noob, but when I can't work through an example from the Squeak by
>>>> Example book, that suggests there's some interesting features that
>>>> should
>>>> be looked at...
>>> A new version of SBE named pharo by example is under preparation.
>>> Now do not hesitate to ask question even if you think that they look
>>> silly.
>>> Silly questions do not exist.
>>> Stef
>> Great to hear. However, pharo gets upset by putting 'eureka'.  
>> into the method finder.
>> Says that is EVIL.
>> I gotta assume that that is just a simple bug, right, or is that
>> facility no longer to be supported for some reason.
>> L
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