
1/2 = 0.5 comes close to making an important point, but it doesn't quite get 
there.  However, inspect


Floating point is not always what it seems.  By extension, I argue that 
computer-represented complex numbers are not always what they seem, only more 
so.  Not only do they have the representation/precision quirks of floats, they 
are sometimes appropriate and sometimes indicative of nonsense.  The line 
between those two cases is best left to the application programmer who will 
happily signal their desire to use complex numbers by inserting #asComplex.

"Every number is-equivalent-to a complex number because 1 = (1 + 0i). 
[In the Scheme language every number _is_ a complex number, BTW]."

The same is (AFAIK) true in matlab, but that does not make the machine number 
problems go away, at least not if one wants to use floating point coprocessors. 
 Treating the real line as a subspace of complex plane is fine in a purely 
mathematical setting, but things get interesting once real-world data, and the 
occaisional non-representable number, start flying through an algorithm running 
on hardware.  Also, matlab is not the first thing people think of when they 
want blazing speed, in part because of the way it treats numbers and because of 
its interpreted execution[*].

Intuition resulting from lots of exposure to mathematicians suggests that they 
consider this non-trivial but well-known.  As a result, there are fleeting 
insights in exercises and other forums intended for teaching.  That can make it 
difficult to get a clear answer.  However, their official reading appears to be 
that while one can create total orders on the complex numbers, something will 
always suffer.  That is probably because arbitrary decisions have to be made 
(what is greater than what, does the real or imaginary part get to break the 
tie?) and result in arbitrary behavior.  A couple of IEEE sources state that 
orders on complex numbers are "meaningless."  That means those most likely to 
take notice of the work will fault us for defining such an order.

If I am reading this correctly, defining $< is making a promise we can't keep, 
or perhaps we simply should not try.  You will be doing a great service if you 
can simply get all the arithmetic and transcendental functions to work properly 
on complex arguments.  However, I think there are compelling reasons to *not* 
try to make the existing magnitudes coerce into complex numbers.

If you can find something that claims to produce a sensible ordering of complex 
numbers, please post a reference.  For now, my sense is that such a thing 
cannot exist.


[*] Interpreters can be fast, as Object Arts showed in nice paper some time 
back, but, matlab's is apparently not terribly quick.  I base that on cautions 
I received from various sources in a recent exploration of Octave as a possible 
vehicle to solving a problem.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ken.Dickey
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: [Pharo-project] Extending #< to compare all numbers


Since there is some discussion around comparing using#< let me try to explain 
the context of my thinking.

I am approaching this as a programmer and a user of mathematics, not as a 

I prefer the Principle of Least Surprise.

I prefer simple, easy to explain rules and simple implementations.

I expect the following expressions all to answer true.

  1/2 = 0.5.
  1 = 1 asComplex.
  1 = (1 + 0i).  "same as the previous line"
  0 < 1.
  0 < 1 asComplex. 

Every number is-equivalent-to a complex number because 1 = (1 + 0i). 

[In the Scheme language every number _is_ a complex number, BTW].

So to me, saying that 0 and (1 asComplex) are not comparable is saying that 0 
and 1 are also not comparable, because I consider them numerically the same 
as (0+0i) and (1+0i).

My observation is that I don't want to lose properties.  If A and B are 
numbers, I want them to be comparable on the real number line -- no matter 
how many other dimensions I add.

If B is to the right on the real number line from A, then I expect (A < B) to 
answer true.   I expect this to be true NO MATTER HOW MANY DIMENSIONS I ADD.

To put this in context, say that I have an object which is a "basket of 
measurements" at a place and time (say position, density, temperature, 
pressure).  Now if I add a new dimension, say electrical conductivity, I do 
not expect temperature comparisons to stop working.  I can still compare 
temperatures between objects which lack the conductivity slot/measurement and 
those which have them.

OK.  Now to the extension.  I suspect this is the root of the (potential) 

I chose to say that if the real/x component of a 2d number is equal, then one  
number may be considered less than another if the imaginary/y value is less.

This means that (0+0i) < (0+1i) holds.

These are the properties (and test cases) I care about.

Currently, the definition for Complex>>< is just this (see below).  This 
implies that (3+0i) < (3+1i) holds, even though the x/real components are 

I think that this is OK.  What do you think?  

Are there simpler, least surprising definitions for Complex>>< ?  

What useful properties/invariants/tests would you add?  [As unit tests]

Thanks for your thoughtful input.

< other
        "self < other if other's real-part is to the right or the real-parts 
equal and the oher's imaginary part is larger"
        | otherCpx |
        otherCpx := other asComplex.
        ^self real < otherCpx real
                        or: [self real = otherCpx real  and: [self imag < 
otherCpx imag]]

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