El mié, 12-08-2009 a las 20:17 -0100, Mariano Martinez Peck escribió:
> Miguel created this page:
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/PackagesTestedInPharo 
> so that we can add there all the packages that load (and work) ok in
> Pharo.
> I trying to add some but I found a problem: there is a column called
> "Package version". I have a same project (for example SqueakDBX) with
> several Packages in the same monticello repository. There isn't a
> version for a repository, but for a package. So, what should I do if I
> have several packages?

Maybe, if you are using monticello configurations you can put the .mcm
version there, but I think that we shouldn't be so strict with this
page, isn't mean to document exactly what versions of each package but
to give an overall view about what runs correctly on Pharo. 
I think that if the version isn't written, nothing bad will happen, the
message that the package works will arrive the destination (the
collective mind).
As I said, the page will be obsolete some time in the future and will be
necessary to delete it (so that we don't get wrong information on the
wiki as the squeak wiki). If during the initial phases of pharo life
bring some motivation to others to port other packages to pharo, that by
itself will be worth the effort.

This page is a temporal throw away page.

Miguel Cobá

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