Hi -

I have done something to my image and don't know how to fix it.  When
it opens it maximizes one of the processors and allocates a large
amount of RAM to itself.  When I attempt to run the Debug > Start
profiling all Processes it crashes the vm after I move the mouse to
the top of the screen.  When I run

Process allInstancesDo: [ :p | | rules |
    rules := ProcessBrowser nameAndRulesFor: p.
    rules second ifTrue: [ p terminate ] "1=name, 2=safe-to-kill,

from here: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1799  nothing changes.

Printing 'ProcessBrowser new processList' in a workspace gives:

 a WeakArray(a Process in Delay class>>handleTimerEvent a Process in
SystemDictionary>>lowSpaceWatcher a Process in [] in Delay>>wait a
Process in WeakArray class>>finalizationProcess a Process in nil a
Process in ByteString(String)>>encodeOn: a Process in [] in

And the VM statistics are:

uptime                  0h8m53s
memory                  1,055,051,120 bytes
        old                     1,050,497,028 bytes (99.6%)
        young           83,708 bytes (0.0%)
        used            1,050,580,736 bytes (99.6%)
        free            4,470,384 bytes (0.4%)
GCs                             4,999 (107ms between GCs)
        full                    3 totalling 18,400ms (3.0% uptime), avg 6133.0ms
        incr            4996 totalling 120,999ms (23.0% uptime), avg 24.0ms
        tenures         112 (avg 44 GCs/tenure)

Are there other things I can do to get it back under control or should
I just save everything in some MC repositories and set up a new image?
 I'm reluctant to do that now because I don't know what I did to
create the situation I'm in.

Thanks for your help


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