The problem with command-line arguments as a file names, like:


is that the location of is determined by using a search
path , usually provided in environment PATH var of a shell.

I worked in a different unix shells, and some of them, do not
adding/using the ./ into the search path by default, which means
will end up with 'file not found' message,
cat ./
will work fine.

i think that squeak should follow the shell semantics and do not try
to automatically expand the pure file name, like into something like: ./, or ~/

2009/9/2 John M McIntosh <>:
> I think  here you are trying to get to test.sq
> I only adjust the incoming image name in the VM looking for ~ for
> example, and resolving usage of ./ and ../
> The additional command line items are then passed to the image
> unchanged, so it sees only 'test.sq'  as the path name.
> You would have to check the smalltalk code at the point where it gets
> the command line parm and decide if it's 'test.sq' should that really
> be './test.sq'
> You might also try putting './test.sq' on the command line and see if
> that works.
> On 2-Sep-09, at 9:23 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>> The full path requirement should be considered a bug from my
>>> perspective.
>> mine too and I thought that john fixed that.
>> So did you try without?
> --
> =
> =
> =
> ========================================================================
> John M. McIntosh <>   Twitter:
> squeaker68882
> Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.
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