2009/10/26 Laval Jannik <jannik.la...@gmail.com>

> On Oct 26, 2009, at 15:21 , Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Laval Jannik <jannik.la...@inria.fr>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I bring out a past message.
>> And my question is more general.
>> What do we want to keep from etoy ?
> I would said NOTHING in the core or even Pharo image.
> I agree with you.
> However, it would be a good idea to put all the interesting eToy stuff in
> an external package so that those who want to load that stuff, are able to
> do it.
> Is eToy maintained in Pharo ?

I don't know. Neither I care. I mean, why to put something specific in a
generic language/enviroment ???   I see eToy as any other application. For
example, my own (SqueakDBX), or magma, or XXX package. Why to put those
specific packages in the core image? If you want, you load them. It is easy.
And if they are maintained or not, it doesn't depends on Pharo developers,
but in the external package developers. I decide if SqueakDBX works on Pharo
or not, not Pharo developers.

> Because, make an external package of it needs a big work...

I don't think so. You just need to create the package. And then, instead of
removing code, you move it to that package. What can be a lot of work is to
keep that package up to date and working, but that's not Pharo

> So, do we want a different package ? or maybe something which come from the
> etoy community, something up to date.
Maybe the eToy community can even touch that external package.

what do you think ?

> Cheers,
> Jannik
>> Cheers,
>> Jannik
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 09:33 , Laval Jannik wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Morph>>heading is from eToy.
>> > It is used to rotate a Morph.
>> > If we remove it, we remove the possibility to rotate a morph.
>> >
>> > What are your positions about this behavior ?
>> > Do we considere it as a system behavior or as an eToy thing which
>> > must be removed ?
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > ---
>> > Jannik Laval
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> Jannik Laval
> PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
> Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
> http://www.jannik-laval.eu
> http://rmod.lille.inria.fr
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