> The only problem I see (maybe I am wrong) here is that there are already a
> lot of implementors of isAbstract. For example, those used in Sunit. So, if
> you add this method to Behavior, there will be a lot of non-intentional
> overrides.

As Mariano writes, most applications implement a message #isAbstract
themselves with the exact semantics they require. I don't think a
generic message in Behavior is really useful, especially if it is not
used by the core system.

Interesting in this context is how the Refactoring Engine determines
if a class is abstract: "Smalltalk doesn't have any language feature
that denotes an abstract class like C++ or Java. As a result, we check
for a couple things when looking for an abstract class. If the class
contains any method that sends #subclassResponsibility, the we
consider the class as abstract. A method that sends
subclassResponsibility signifies that users should override this
method in every subclass to have all the class' functionality to work.
Another check we use to determine if a class is abstract is to look
for references to the class. If the class is not referenced then the
class is considered to be abstract, since there is no way to create an
instance of the class."


Lukas Renggli

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