
I have just install and started playing a bit with Pharo today. The
first thing I tried was to take one of my Seaside projects from Squeak
and see if I can get it going in Pharo? Everything went very smoothly,
except for the following annoying problem - which I - rather
embarrassingly - can't seem to figure out myself. Any
help/hints/pointers will be greatly appreciated.

For my Squeak/Seaside project I've subclassed WAKomEncoded and have
overridden the createService selector to allow for a custom entry point
and the ability to serve files from this point.

        | basePath seaside assembly |
        basePath := 'encore'.
        seaside := self entryPoint: (WADispatcher default setName:
        assembly := ModuleAssembly core.
        assembly serverRoot: FileDirectory default fullName.
        assembly alias: '/' , basePath to: [assembly addPlug: [:request
| seaside process: request]].
        assembly documentRoot: FileDirectory default fullName.
        assembly directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
        assembly serveFiles.

        ^ (HttpService startOn: port named: 'comanche') plug: assembly
rootModule; yourself.

The custom entry point still works fine, but for some strange reason
none of my files are served correctly. Is there a different approach to
serving files from within Pharo/Seaside that I should make use of?

I have downloaded and used this Pharo package:
And installed these additional packages:


Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


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