2009/12/8 Henrik Johansen <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no>

> Although I'm unable to reproduce it, it seems to me the possibility of a
> situation where this error could occur increases if text compositing takes
> too long. (notice how primitiveStoreImageSegment is ).
> Reasoning;
> - In TextMorph>> paragraph, an uninitialized paragraph is installed in the
> instvar, then line composition happens.
> - If this method is called from another thread than the UI thread, (say, as
> a response to an Event, which seems to be the case at least for OB) it might
> be interrupted by the UI process, which will happily go ahead and try to
> render the paragraph before it is initialized, then throw an error since
> lines is still nil.
> A fix for this problem (which would be to create the paragraph in a temp,
> then store in instvar only when fully intialized) is attached.
Wow!!! you are really the bug killer number one! Thank you very much. Not
only I could reproduce it but also apply the fix and be sure it is fixed and
working like a charm now.

I commit


to inbox.



If you would file it in and see if it helps, that'd be nice.
> If it does, feel free to commit a slice to the inbox :)
> Cheers,
> Henry
> On Dec 8, 2009, at 2:56 15PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Hi folks! I having this problem in pharo1.0-10496-rc1dev09.11.4  but I
> cannot reproduce it in PharoCore-1.1-11078-ALPHA
> I don't think it is because of the Pharo version but becuase of dev/core. I
> would like to tested in a dev from 11078 but the last one I tested was not
> working as I have warings and popups everywhere (there is already a thread
> for that).
> I am in Mac OS.
> Anyway, you can reproduce it in a fresh pharo1.0-10496-rc1dev09.11.4 image.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1) Download from http://www.squeaksource.com/JBARepo the package
> VMMakerLoader
> 2) Evaluate "VMMakerLoader loadAndFix"
> 3) Browse the class Interpreter
> 4) Go to the method primitiveStoreImageSegment. Click on the method and
> after a second you will have this error.
> I attach PharoDebug.log in the issue tracker:
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=1559
> Cheers,
> Mariano
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