> I do not know if you noticed that with the latest version of Gofer you can 
> get a full git behavior

Not full, but at least it mimics that Git syncs the local and remote

> Gofer new
>        squeaksource: 'PharoTaskForces';
>        addPackage: 'RPackage';
>        pull

This operation is called #fetch in the latest Gofer, I renamed it
recently. This is how it is called originally in Git and it downloads
all versions to the local package cache.

> to pull all the packages pubslihed and fill up your local cache
> Gofer new
>        squeaksource: 'PharoTaskForces';
>        addPackage: 'RPackage';
>        push
> to push your local saved versions to the repository....

There is updated documentation in the class comment and on my blog
article at <http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog/gofer>.

> Of course it means that you can build a database and when you run your script
> the cache is checked first.... so yes you can work in the train :)

The reason why I didn't announce this, is because the current
implementation has serious problems that need to be fixed.

For example, reading from a remote repository that is not available
silently fails. Furthermore, to determine the latest version all
available versions from all repositories are merged, that is often not

I probably need to introduce some kind of a repository object where
the user can specify these things (consider cache or not, fail
silently or not, ...). Also there are no tests for any of this, so use
it at your own risk.


Lukas Renggli

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