On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 09:30:45PM +0100, St?phane Ducasse wrote:
> david
> I would really like to continue the cleaning of SystemDictionary
> because I do not like the current state of affair.
> Now we can either have a namespace class (with only namespace behavior)
> and a imageManagement class
> Now we could have one variable Smalltalk to point to either of it.
> but we will need another name.
> Now the point behind the current (which I do not like but live with it is 
> that)
> it would be cool to be able to do from my image some query into your image).
> This was about thinking about that that SmalltalkImage current got birth. 
> Now I would love to get some discussions about a way to 
>       - have a class management class = SystemDictionary but with clean 
> contents and cool name => namespace?
>       (which often people confused with having namespace at the language 
> level and it not part of the proposal
>       don't open the box please)
>       - have a cool abstraction over image housekeeping
>       - a cool abstraction about vm information
> so if you have ideas please let me know.


I think it would be good to step away from the details and just
think about the high level objects - what do they represent and what
are they responsible for (http://www.wirfs-brock.com/Design.html)?
Maybe there would be two or three classes involved, as few as possible.
Then write the class comments for the empty classes. Think about it
for a few weeks, and if it still makes sense then start the refactoring.
But I would not touch a single line of code until the class comments
are clearly written and understood.



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