El mar, 26-01-2010 a las 23:03 +0100, Mariano Martinez Peck escribió:
> Thanks Torsten, this is really cool :)
> I would like everybody gets the same idea as you:  the current Dev
> image is JUST a standard, little combination of possibilities. But we
> have the tools and we already did the work so that everybody can
> create it's own Dev image, with it's own flavour, without too much
> pain, an using a PharoCore image as a base. That's why I would like to
> remove from Core as much as possible. 

Indeed that is how I work. I shamelessly use your ConfigurationOfPharo
to build my development images from a PharoCore image.
But for the production images, I use only the ConfigurationOfXXX needed
(that is, the ConfigurationOfAzteca, that is my application) and that
configuration references other ConfigurationsOfXXX as dependencies
(magma, RFB, Seaside28). This is then executed in a PharoCore image to
build the 2 images that makes my setup deploy.

So, as Torsten said, Pharo isn't only about a new image release, but a
lot of tools that are enabling new ways to work in Smalltalk.


> BTW, it didn't work on Mac OS :(    The problem is that the class
> has references to SqueakMap, which has removed quite a long in Pharo. 
> Look ExternalWebBrowserMacOS >> isApplescriptAvailable
> Sorry I am not sure how to fix it. 
> I attach PharoDebug.log.
> Cheers
> Mariano
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:45 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
>         from pharo-dev to a custom (seaside) application image.
>         Read
> http://astares.blogspot.com/2010/01/pharo-10-release-candidate-2-and-image.html
>         Bye
>         T.
>         --
>         Nur noch bis 31.01.2010: DSL-Komplettpaket für 16,99
>         Euro/mtl.!*
>         http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/dsl02
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