I'm ok for such a list...

Nevertheless, I'm wondering if we could go a bit further by doing a kind of
research group with a proper web site listing all people involved and the
projects there're working on. We could then establish some categories and
eventually sub-groups. List all published papers, gives ressources to

We could also have a workshop every year (in ESUG or eventually
independantly). More importantly than discussions on papers, I think we need
to characterise people and their "expertise" area...

For instance, I'm interested in some areas that are not really focussed in
Computer Science problematics (new compiler, traits, etc...).

To me Smalltalk is the vehicle (a fun one) to experiment my research stuffs.
Here are some areas I'm working on:
-Case Based Reasoning - essentially similarity measure with uncertainty
-Constraint Satisfaction Programming (more interested in open models) and
especially the coupling between CBR and CSP
-NARS, a kind of General AI (logical stuff)
-Dynamic open models in general  -> Coevolution of model and their instances
(something I'd really like to dig into)
-Modeling Imperfect Information, ie. incomplete, uncertain, umprecise (-> so
as to model expert information) - I would like to apply that to poker game
in the future :) - This is maybe the central aspect of my work

Here is a quick list of what I do or plan to do... Having a central web site
would be excellent for visibility (of course a mailing can be setup too),
both for Smalltalk and for people doing research with it.

What others think ?
Would you be ok for a central wiki where each person describe in one page
what their research is, what their future projects are, what they need
are... We could gather all confs calls that are potentially interesting...
 Of course this need some setup and reflexion to structure the group/website
but I think it worth it... And count me in if people like the idea.

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