There is a new version of Polymorph on SqueakSource (Polymorph-Widgets-gvc.103)
that supports a background morph for the world that resizes with the main
I guess the backgroundSketch/Form stuff can be removed (I reused the
backgroundMorph inst var - no direct way of setting did remain, accessors now).
This can be used for background images (as requested):
World backgroundMorph:
((UITheme builder
newAlphaImage: (ImageReadWriter formFromFileNamed: 'Watery 2.jpg') help: nil)
autoSize: false;
layout: #scaled;
(AlphaImageMorph supports a few layout positions/tiling/scaling, more could be
added like aspect-maintaining scaling etc.)
Or could be helpful for deployed applications... set the background morph to
your main UI morph, for instance.
Regards, Gary
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