Thanks henrik. I'm in the process of integrating the changes :)
I was just systematically converting. So I will create a new issue for these 


On Feb 4, 2010, at 10:02 PM, Henrik Sperre Johansen wrote:

> On 03.02.2010 10:26, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Hi henrik
>> if you get a chance to have a look at the slice I uploaded it would be good.
>> I like the idea that people have a look at other code, which is what we do 
>> when we integrate
>> now for my own code I always feel nervous :)
>> Stef
> Got time tonight, here's my comments:
> DigitalSignatureAlgorithm class >> testExamplesFromDisk
> May be better as a real test than as a class-side method? The method 
> usage change seems fine though ;)
> FilePackage >> fromFileNamed:
> Should be inlined in the class-side method called the same, and removed.
> Only this method is ever called anyways, and it makes less sense to 
> accept from... style initialization methods on the instances.
> MCVersionReader class >> file:streamDo:
> Could instead be inlined in versionFromFile which is the only sender, 
> then removed.
> The way it's now, it's really only a MCVersionReader-specific alias for 
> the exact same method :)
> MCVersionReader class >> versionFromFile:
>     ^FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName do: [:fileStream | self 
> versionFromStream: fileStream]
> UUIDGenerator>>makeUnixSeed
> You set the stream to binary, there should be no need to set the 
> converter as well (it won't be used in binary mode).
> Other than that, the changes look ok to me, and make the methods easier 
> to read (imo)
> Cheers,
> Henry
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