On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Yanni Chiu <ya...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> > Finally, with SqueakSave you can automatically persist. It takes care of
> > writing everything. You don't need to write the mappings. Of course, you
> > need to follow certain conventions in the names. SqueakSave supports
> > MySQL and PostgreSQL only althought they wanted to interface with
> > SqueakDBX to support all databases.  I don't know neither if it works on
> > Pharo. Of course, it seems to be a less slower than Glorp as the queries
> > are not the faster.
> I have a tweaked version that loads into Pharo.

This is excellent. I think having SqueakSave working on pharo is a cool
thing. If there are differences between squeak, remember a Metacello
configuration can help.

Please, keep us informed about the progress.



> I had to open up the
> .mcz and edit the source.st to get the first version loaded. The test
> cases were only set up to run against MySQL, but I've adjusted it for
> Postgres. I can't remember offhand whether I got all the tests to pass,
> but I think only a handful were still failing due to MySql vs. Postgres
> issues.
> The original repository from HPI seems to be offline now (and a few
> weeks ago). I've not seen any community of users, and I'm not sure what
> development is ongoing. I can make my .mcz available if someone wants it.
> --
> Yanni
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