Hi Ramiro, something happened between Pharo1.0-10502-rc1dev09.12.2.
and 10508 related to Networking.  Please see:


I am not sure what happened.  Perhaps someone on the Pharo team would elaborate?

 - Chris

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Ramiro Diaz Trepat
<ram...@diaztrepat.name> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Once again, thanks for your work.
> One question though, is this version running fine on the latest Pharo 1.0 ?
> I haven't been able to start a server successfuly, I get a primitive has
> failed.
> It doesn't run on Pharo 1.1 or Squeak trunk but you didn't mention those :)
> I loaded it in a fresh Pharo 1.0 image using:
> ScriptLoader new installer.
> Installer ss project: 'Magma';
> install: '1.0r44 (server)'.
> Cheers
> r
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Chris Muller <asquea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Magma 1.0
>> release "44" for both Squeak, 3.9, 3.10 and Pharo.  Although I am
>> looking into alternatives for future releases, for now I am still
>> distributing Magma in my traditional ways:
>>  - On SqueakMap - three one-click installable packages.
>>  - In the "1.0r44" Monticello Configuration in the "Magma" project of
>> squeaksource, there are three one-click installable configurations
>> (client, server, tester).
>>  - The "r44Final" Monticello Configuration in the "MagmaTester"
>> project of squeaksource is the one-click installable MagmaTester
>> package.
>> As has always been the case, ONLY ONE of the three packages needs to
>> be installed, the full and proper configuration is loaded with
>> one-click.
>> Compared to r43, this is mostly a maintenance release without any
>> major new functionality, but with improved robustness in the HA and
>> luxury querying as well as several other fixes.  Here are the specific
>> improvements over 43:
>>        - Made several HA fixes and improvements, many identified by Bart
>> Gaquie by testing with more than a two-server Magma Node.  Many thanks
>> Bart.
>>        - Updated MaQueryExecutor>>#fractionComplete to answer an unreduced
>> Fraction instead of a reduced one.  This convey's more information;
>> since the denominator represents the total number of elements in the
>> final result.  Thanks again to Bart Gauqie.
>>        - Upgraded MagmaCollectionReader>>#release to allow give a
>> well-behaved application much freer access to the "luxury" query
>> features of MagmaCollections.  It is essential for applications
>> employing luxury query features of Magma for ad-hoc querying, to
>> #release the Reader returned from the query so that resources on the
>> server can be freed.
>>        - Now properly truncating the applied.images file, so it doesn't
>> grow
>> and grow..
>>        - Now, when a repository is opened locally, if it's location has
>> never been set (new repository) or was a different *local* location,
>> then update it to the new aMagmaLocalLocation.  If it was formerly a
>> network-hosted server, do not update since we could be here simply
>> just for re-opening that repository.  So, to go from a remote
>> repository to a local one, you have to manually update the node's
>> primaryLocation.
>>        - Server no longer allows any clients to log in with the system
>> name,
>> since it is sometimes checked for special-purpose server housekeeping.
>>        - Updated MagmaSession's standard printing method, again!
>>        - Added MagmaCollectionReader>>#sortBy:makeDistinct:descending: and
>> #sortBy:makeDistinct:descending:.
>>        - Made MaRepositoryDisconnectRequest asynchronous, it now returns
>> considerably faster!
>>        - Fix for a recent MagmaCollection optimization.
>>        - Removed hard-reference to OSProcess.
>>        - Patch for #removeListener to avoid DependentsArray problem.
>>        - Fixed a ReadStrategy regression.
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