Because the discussion about this topic happened on the moose mailing list i
just update also the pharo mailing list. To summarize:

I had problems using the importer of java code with inFusion on Windows, at
the end i discovered that the primitives into WindowsOSProcessAccessor just
fails during the initialization and that the process is not able to access
the OS. There is also a bug report here:

Is it possible to debug primitives?



2010/2/18 Cyrille Delaunay <>

> The command send to OSProcess is a Unix-specific command .This command
> generate the mse file usimg the '.sh' file from inFusion. The solution add a
> condition, and use the .bat file (and the command line that come with ) if
> the OS is windows.
> 2010/2/18 Fabrizio Perin <>
>> Hi,
>> i was using moose in windows and i had an error trying to use the function
>> "import from Java source with inFusion". Seems that OSProcess doesn't work
>> properly. To reproduce the error just try to import java code using
>> this function in the Moose panel in windows. In Mac i never had problem
>> using that cool function.
>> Anybody can help me to figure out where the problem is?
>> Thanks in advance for the support,
>> Fabrizio
>> PS: Here the stack trace:
>> --- The full stack ---
>> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #nextPutAll:
>> ExternalWindowsOSProcess>>value
>> ExternalWindowsOSProcess class>>command:
>> WindowsProcess>>command:
>> WindowsProcess>>waitForCommand:
>> OSProcess class>>waitForCommand:
>> MooseImportFromJavaSourceFilesWizard>>validateImportation
>> [] in MooseImportFromJavaSourceFilesWizard>>performTerminateButtonAction
>> [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
>> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
>> MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
>> ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
>> ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during:
>> ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
>> PSUIManager(MorphicUIManager)>>displayProgress:at:from:to:during:
>> MooseImportFromJavaSourceFilesWizard>>performTerminateButtonAction
>> WizardLastPane>>terminateButtonAction
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>performAction
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>performAction
>> [] in PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>mouseUp:
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>mouseUp:
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>mouseUp:
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleMouseUp:
>> MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleEvent:
>> PluggableButtonMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent:
>> [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
>> [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
>> BlockClosure>>on:do:
>> PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
>> HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
>> HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
>> HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
>> HandMorph>>handleEvent:
>> HandMorph>>processEvents
>> [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
>>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>> WorldState>>handsDo:
>> WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
>> WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
>> PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
>> [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
>> [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
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