Hi folks. We have been working hard with Janko and we built a website for
the GSoC 2010 and for future editions!

The URL is  http://gsoc2010.esug.org/

In 4 days, is the deadline to submit ESUG as mentoring organization. For
that purpose, there are several questions that we need to answer, as you can
read here:

This is the most important step. If we get selected, then we have project,
and we will have to vote which projects to select and finally select
students...but all that is ONLY if we are selected as mentoring
organization. Last year Squeak wasn't so this year will be hard. We really
appreciate any feedback you can give us so that we can achieve this goal.
Basically we should demonstrate that we have a big community, with several
interesting projects and with mentors and students that are willing to do

Our first version of those answer are here:

Please, send feedback.

The ideas page is necessary. For this, it would be cool to have several
projects. With this we can show that the community is big. Of course, we
cannot put projects that has no sense. But don't be shy to submit. We are
ALL smalltalk dialects and even Newspeak. Right now there are 13 projects
but I think there can be much more. In squeak 2007 there were like 20, and
now we are all dialects together. Note that a project doesn't need to be
cross dialect. You can propose a project that apply only to one dialect.
I cannot take the time to write each proposal...so, if you have a project,
right the title, description, technical details, benefits to the student and
benefits to the community. Otherwise will be probably ignored.

It would be cool to have all mentors already selected for the 12th so that
we can demonstrate that we are really willing to do it and that we already
have mentors for all projects. Even more, it would be fantastic if there can
be mentors or co-mentors.

As you can see in the ideas link, there are ideas that are not even
complete. No text. Again...if someone want to do it, excellent. Otherwise,
they will have to be removed.

Now...a personal question...do you think we have enough students to take
care about the projects? what is your opinion ?

That's all for the moment...please, if you have questions, just ASK!!!

4 days.....


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