On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 07:47:16PM -0500, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
> Hello all,
> Good news/bad news: I got it running again :)  I have no idea what was wrong, 
> nor what is right now :(
> A corrupt image file is not out of the question.  I was having huge problems 
> with Ubuntu (perhaps Linux in general??[*]) and cifs writing to windows 
> shares.  That problem suddenly went away some weeks ago, but maybe it is 
> simply less frequent now??  Nearly the same image was running just fine on a 
> sibling box, and copying the image from there to the offending machine got me 
> going again.
> What bothers me here is not so much that Pharo crashed but that it did it so 
> abruptly and without logging anything that I could find.  Suggestions would 
> be most welcome.  


Whatever is wrong, it is probably not the fault of the Pharo image.
When the VM crashes abruptly with no log file generated, it is most
likely because it encountered an access violation (segfault) error
in some plugin or in an FFI call. If you get a hard failure like that,
the image is not able to write the debug log file (because it is already
dead - d'oh!).

I think that various people have reported problems with virus scanners
and that sort of thing on windows. And it is possible that running on
network file systems (cifs etc) will expose bugs that do not show up
when running on local file systems.

I think you're going to be stuck doing some good old process of
elimination work here :(


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