On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, stephane ducasse wrote:

Hi guys

tristan is a new student here and he would like to work on collection 
optimization and implementation.
I would like the get some ideas from you.
        - are there some collections that would be cool to improve?

Here's the list I plan to improve is Squeak:
- OrderedCollection: fix the growing behavior, adding n elements takes O(n^2) time in some cases - SortedCollection: just deprecate it (or replace it's crappy quicksort implementation if you really want to improve it. But I think it's useless) - TextStream: adding n characters with different attributes has O(n^2) runtime - StandardFileStream >> #upTo: (the recursive call + concatenation requires O(n^2) runtime and O(n^2) memory for large chunks of data)


        - are there some collections that would be cool to have and that we do 
not have yet?
If you have any idea related to optimizations let me know.

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