There seem to be some serious bugs when performing a sequence of renames.

I added (a modified version) of your test and fixed the problem in:

Name: Refactoring-Core-lr.115
Author: lr
Time: 19 March 2010, 1:36:35 pm
UUID: 89f629b7-df37-4545-b795-87c5b78e1127
Ancestors: Refactoring-Core-lr.114, Refactoring-Core-lr.113

- fixed some bugs and added some tests when renaming a class multiple times

Name: Refactoring-Tests-Core-lr.35
Author: lr
Time: 19 March 2010, 1:36 pm
UUID: a2c9c388-a1b1-4f7a-a749-f3d658c42779
Ancestors: Refactoring-Tests-Core-lr.33

- fixed some bugs and added some tests when renaming a class multiple times


2010/3/19 Fernando olivero <>:
> Lukas, i have the following problem:
> model  := RBNamespace new.
> Then executing successive RenameRefactoring's using the same model yields an
> Error.
> 1. ClassA -> ClassA2 OK
> 2. ClassA2 -> ClassA3 OK
> 3. ClassA3 -> ClassA4  ERROR!
> I've tracked it down to this:
> 1.
> RenameRefactoring>>execute
> self primitiveExecute.
> RefactoringManager instance addRefactoring: self
> 2.
> RefactoringManager>>addRefactoring: aRefactoring
> RefactoryChangeManager instance performChange: aRefactoring changes.
> refactorings add: aRefactoring class name
> 3.
> Refactoring>>changes
> ^self model changes
> which answers all the changes!
> {  ClassA rename: #ClassA2!
>   ClassA2 rename: #ClassA3!
> ClassA3 rename: #ClassA4! }
> Why does a particular refactoring answers all the models changes? And not
> just the ones it introduced?
> The problem is in #performChange: will apply over and over all the changes,
> and not just the last one.
> Lukas, do you think i'm incorrectly using the namespace and refactoring's?
>  Are namespace supposed to be used once and later ditched?
> My goal is to have a GauchoSystem which nows all the changes (with undos!)
> that have happened, that's why i'm using always the same namespace.
> Thanks,
> Fernando
> pd: a test that reproduces the problem.
> | namespace |
> namespace :=  RBNamespace new.
> [
> | refactoring|
> Object subclass: 'ClassA' asSymbol
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> category: 'TestingNamespaces1234'.
> refactoring := RenameClassRefactoring
> model: namespace
> rename: (Smalltalk classNamed: 'ClassA' asSymbol )
> to: 'ClassA2' asSymbol .
> refactoring execute.
> refactoring := RenameClassRefactoring
> model: namespace
> rename:  (Smalltalk classNamed:'ClassA2' asSymbol )
> to:  'ClassA3' asSymbol.
> refactoring execute.
> refactoring := RenameClassRefactoring
> model: namespace
> rename:  (Smalltalk classNamed: 'ClassA3' asSymbol )
> to:  'ClassA4' asSymbol.
> self shouldnt:[refactoring execute] raise: Error description: 'Valid
> refactoring should not raise error'.
> ] ensure:[  SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: 'TestingNamespaces1234'
> ]
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Lukas Renggli

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