Hi all

Gemstone nicely offered to host the equivalent of http://book.seaside.st for 
A not well-skinned version is available at http://book.pharo-project.org

The idea is that we do not want to have 100% open wiki but we want to have a 
web site
that the community can use to build a living documentation that can be turned 
into a book.
For that we will need some editors ie people willing to write and take into 
comments made other on certain topics.

        I can be one of these but we need more :)
        You do not have to enroll for everything 

I dream to have a presentation on how to compile the vm :) for example
        on mac
        on linux
        on Windows

Now since I'm bad with pier (Pier is out of my reach) I need people to take 
I succeeded to break the current installation but I would say that this is not 
my fault :)


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