On Mar 26, 2010, at 10:27 34AM, Alain Plantec wrote:

> Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> 11296
>> -----
>> Issue 2208:  Preferences setting
>>      * range setting: bad widget height in the SettingBrowser
>>      * improve TimeProfiler (MorphTreeMorph example)
> Few words about that:
> TimeProfiler is a improvement of the current TimeProfileBrowser.
> just try it:
> TimeProfiler new openOnBlock: [ 10 timesRepeat: [Transcript show: 'n' 
> asString, String cr]].
> or simply
> TimeProfiler new open
> and then type-in the code you want to profile.
> For now, it is in the Morphic-MorphTreeWidget-Examples sys cat,
> maybe it can replace TimeProfileBrowser in the core.
> what do you think ?
> Cheers
> Alain

Absolutely <3 it!
How about a Start profiling (Stop profiling when clicked) button as well, 
providing functionality equal to the Start profiling... options from the debug 

I'd replace it in a heartbeat already tbh, with that extra button, we could 
reduce it to a single entry for profiling in the debug menu :)


PS. Anyone know a better naming for "Start drawing again" ? 
I always wondered how you are supposed to access that if you've stopped 
drawing, afaik it resets the drawError property of the World (aka. 
PasteUpMorph) so it starts drawing normally again instead of something crossed 
out red. 
It is not done for submorphs, so it's not a convenient way of resetting all 
drawstates, do we really get drawErrors often enough in the PasteUpMorph itself 
to warrant this item??

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