On Mar 27, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi,
> first post, sorry for breaking any rules. ;-)

No rules broken..

>> Yes, that would be interesting to look at.
> I can offer a bunch of code and papers on such a system. Hans
> Schippers, Dirk Janssens (University Antwerpen, Belgium), Robert
> Hirschfeld and myself implemented a thing we called delMDSOC. It
> started out as a machine model for aspect-oriented programming but
> turned out to be much more interesting. It's been implemented using
> COLA. *All* requests to objects are messages in this model, including
> instance variable access. *Everything* is done using delegation. Also,
> the system implements what Eliot wrote above about two receiver slots
> for state and self.
> Stuff is available from here:
> http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/swa/projects/delmdsoc

I was planing to look at your work closely (again)... the ECOOP paper is
already printed on my Desk :-)


Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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