On Apr 12, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Philippe Marschall wrote:

> On 11.04.2010 21:46, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Philippe Marschall wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> While I was optimizing some Seaside code I found out that SocketStream
>>> does not understand #next:putAll:startingAt: [1]. It's quite a helpful
>>> method that allows one to write a subcollection of a collection to a
>>> stream without making a copy. In our case it would allow the codec to
>>> directly write to the socket stream.
>>> Anyway what I wanted to say is this is fixed in Network-Kernel-pmm.29 ;-)
>>> [1] http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2292
>> FYI: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2244
> Oops, sorry.
> The merged code is a bit different, it's oriented more towards the
> current #nextPutAll:
> - it answers self like #nextPutAll: and not the collection passed
> in. ANSI says it's unspecified and current implementations are not
> conclusive, most answer the collection but not all. That probably means
> we should change #nextPutAll: as well.
> - it explicitly checks for n = 0 as a guarding clause. That's certainly
> discussable, I found algorithms easier to write when I don't have to
> check for n = 0 at the send site.
> - it had an off by one error
> - like #nextPutAll: it does type conversion based on the mode.
> To sum up:
> - #nextPutAll: and #next:putAll:startingAt: should probably be changed
> to answer the collection and fix other implementations.

nicolas did the inverse in squeak

> - if the type conversion is needed (I believe so) then SocketStream
> should do it
> - the n = 0 guarding clause is discussable
> - IMO consistency with #nextPutAll: is important

do you have some code?
Because it seems that you have more knowledge than me on that :)


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