On Apr 15, 2010, at 12:43 43AM, Fernando olivero wrote:

> Also most of the bugs happen when trying to use the Cuis old code for system 
> navigation.
> SmalltalkTextEditor methods for browsing senders, implementors and alike.
> Stef fixed a couple of them,  today i fixed a couple more.
> Tomorrow i'll post a slice with the fixes i've done this past week.
> Fernando
I went through the beginning of  various keyboard shortcuts in TextEditor, the 
following were my notes:

End (#cursorEnd:) raises mnu
Cmd-h (#setSearchString:) raised mnu
- Ctrl-Enter (#crWithIndent:) is the same as default enter-action. Auto-indent 
setting is no longer available.
- Esc action defined in Editor shortcut will never be used, since 
NewTextMorph/EntryFieldMorph returns early in keyStroke: method for esc 
characters (To do Announcement, which only morph itself is registered to). 
Should these Announcements be located in Editor, or its morph? If in editor, 
example1 could still work, you'd just do e model onEscapeSend: #delete to: e. 
Or better yet:
e model announcer on: EscapePressed send: #delete to: e. that way you don't 
have duplicate utility methods for every announcement class / handling method 
you want to be able to plug into. Not to mention you can use the same Editor / 
Announcement plugin method for other frameworks than morphic.

Also, SimpleEditor>>dispatchOn: has special code for Character cr on top, but 
the TextEditor code for handling of cr below (the asciiValue = 13 part) has not 
been removed although it is never called.
In regards to the cr-handling in dispatchOn:, I don't really see the value of 
allowing typing of multiple line ending conventions in strings inside the image 
using modifier keys. Re: the previous lengthy discussion on the topic, I'm with 
the side that wanted to have consistent line endings in in-image strings. 

There are also references to Preferences 9 or so places in the code, these 
should be changed to Settings-equivalents.


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