On Apr 15, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Lawson English wrote:

> Marcus Denker wrote:
>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 8:07 PM, Lawson English wrote:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAFpA9VFlRE
>>> Known issue?
>> Yes... known. It never bothered me enough to even add a bug report for it... 
>> ;-)
>>      Marcus
> /me shrugs. When I point newbies to an official first release, I'm hoping 
> that there are no immediately obvious glitches when they first run it. I 
> noticed it before as well, but I assumed it was an artifact of debugging mode.

I always wonder why people expect the release to be magically different from 
the Release Candidate... a deep mystery :-)


Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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